C-Drive Quartet Quad - Apex

  • $170.00

The C-Drive Quartet Quads are a combination of the small C-Drive Twin paired with the X-Small C-Drive trailers.  

For All Australian & New Zealand C-Drive Fin orders, purchase here: http://www.cdrivefins.com

Additionally please speak to Troy - Troy.cdrvfins@gmail.com  for further information.

The C-Drive Fins® template was developed by Troy Clutton C&C Fin Design and has been used by the likes of Ross Clarke-Jones, Maurice Cole and many others. The unique design is so innovative it was awarded a worldwide patent. 

So how does it work?  The combination of a very wide base with lots of surface area lower in the fin provides ridiculous amounts of drive paired with the cutout and more refined tip allow for more maneuverability.  The base is wider than the depth which isn’t seen in your typical fins.

The C-Drive fins are a stiff fin which is why we made them with G10 fiberglass, we’re able to keep the rigidity needed for these to perform properly while keeping them foiled thinner than when using standard fiberglass. 

These aren’t like your standard fins and will take a few sessions to get used to but once you’ve ridden them you’ll be hooked.  Think about it as the drive of a keel fine with the agility of your thrusters. 

: 5.67 inch
Height: 5.67 inch
Foil: Flat SeriesIII
Cant angle for Futures bases: 4 Degree

Base4.08 inch
Height3.82 inch
80/20 SeriesIII

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